The letter

Good things happen to people who wait. Stop wishing what you can't get. Playing the chords of my life, i forgot for a while who myself was. Strange life, strange feelings, strange personality. What should you do with people whose life is not right and they keep making mistakes? Should we teach them what's right or let them figure out by themselves? 
We sleep 24/24 hours per day and have weird dreams, raptured movement loved by the course of life which is a awkward make-up on each and every people's faces. Lovely courage founded on a good politeness that leads our children to a high level of understanding.
    Taking the pen in the hands of the owner trying to make a collection of contemplation and understanding. Sometimes i try to figure out for myself what's the true meaning of this universe, the pages written of the Earth, the clothing of the elders and the notations of our private life.
    We try to trick the time for ourselves, we try to steal the love from our relatives and the kindness of our friends. The vocabulary of our history book is filled with good parts like rivers of communication and a library with information but it is also a bad side which is the great pride. The fact that you think about yourself as being the person whose intelligence is beyond perfection and that you have knowledge of everything. 
    You can't let others crush you, you can't show your weaknesses because the human being is very tricky and they are going to use them in their own favor. Also, you can't be too proud either because it will take you to the lowest point, the one that will make your life miserable, it will turn your life upside down.

   With my honestly respect,    
An unknown lover.


  1. "Good things happen to people who wait. Stop wishing what you can't get."
    bine spus.
    superb >:D<:*

  2. If we didn't wish for the things we can't get, we wouldn't have moved on. And yet it is exactly because we do that prevents us from moving on. Mankind is weird, often wrong and small, still it claims perfection because of its pride. There is always another to wish for the same things, but never too many to share them. We are all weak, but claim to be stronger. If we didn't, we would crash or be crushed.
    Great ending, always be respectful.

  3. ah ce poză superbă. :x îmi era dor să te citesc.


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